Privacy Policy

Hanco, Inc. developed this website as a communication resource for our organization, the industry, and the general public. By registering with or contacting us through, you agree that any information or comments you provide may be shared among Hanco, Inc. and its affiliated entities and used without restriction to process service requests and improve or market our services.

Personal, identifiable information that we collect through this site includes name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number and/or employment-related information relevant to Hanco, Inc. While documents and forms downloadable from this site may request additional identifiable information, we do not collect such information through the site.

We may also collect statistical information that is not associated with any specific individual.

We will not sell or rent your information to any third party and will exercise reasonable efforts to keep the information secure. Hanco, Inc. recognizes and respects your online privacy.

This site may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of external sites and we suggest you review their privacy statements.

Questions or comments regarding this policy or our site, or to review or request changes to any personally identifiable information collected through our site, may be submitted by contacting Hanco, Inc.